I definitely enjoyed this, I didn't think much of it at first as usually first time games are just..not..good. But this one was a very pleasant surprise..the lack of colours other than a dull brownish orange really made me feel very...not okay with the situation my character was in, and reading the logs and seeing dead bodies definitely made me worry more. As I got closer to the ending, with each super vague log barely telling me what happened. The dread built up right before the final room. The room before the ending made me question everything I thought when my character didn't even comment on one of the bodies. Then I went into the final room and BAM it all made sense.
Now Im gonna stop relentlessly dicksucking the game. I really only have a few criticisms, one is more important and the other is a bit of personal thought, but would be a good idea.
Sound, the fact that there is no audio takes me out of the immersion. Maybe not by a lot, but when you build up a story like this, it helps immensely. Even a low pitched droning would've been better than just silence.
Second. This is a more personal idea, but more colours.. adding more bleak colours like grey and faded brown would've helped a lot with the overall tone of this oddly creepy game. I mean it was good on its own, but always try to be better than good.
Anyways, conclusion. Game was great, just add some sound in this one or in a sequel, if you do it. (Please do) . And maybe a bit more diversity in colour palette. Keep up the work, starting off this great means only good things in the future.